deicing boot

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deicing boot englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä An inflatable rubber membrane attached to aircraft surfaces to permit mechanical deicing in flight.

  2. 1976 December 31, Aviation Unit and Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Manual: Army Models U-21A, RU-21A, and RU21D, Change No. 18, US Army, Aviation Unit and Aviation Intermediate Reference Manual TM 55-1510-209-23-1, Volume 1, WAR-5,

  3. An aircraft shall not be flown with a damaged deicing boot.
  4. 1985 October, J. Mac Mclellan, Breaking the Ice: One name still rules, (w), page 10,

  5. IT'S BEEN MORE than 50 years since B.F. Goodrich installed the first inflatable deicing boots on an airplane (a Northrop mail airplane), and they continue to be the simplest, lowest-cost and lightest way to protect most airplanes from ice accumulated while in flight.(..)Other rubber companies have attempted to enter the deicing-boot business over the years, but only Goodrich has succeeded.
  6. 2009, K. C. Khurana, Aviation Management: Global Perspectives, Global India Publications, page 51,

  7. Deicing boots were invented by the B.F. Goodrich Corporation in 1923 in Akron, Ohio.
